Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Posted date 12th December, 2024 Last date to apply 25th December, 2024
Category Consultancy
Type Consultancy Position 1
Status Closed

Request for proposals


Issued by

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) 

Table of contents

I.     ABOUT GAIN   2





1.     About gain

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a Swiss-based foundation launched at the UN in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, GAIN has Programmes and projects being carried out in a variety of other countries, particularly in Africa and Asia. Working with both governments and businesses, we aim to transform food systems so that they deliver more nutritious food for all people.

GAIN is working in Pakistan since 2007 to tackle malnutrition, with an initial focus on Large-Scale Food Fortification. Later GAIN’s focus expanded to include Biofortification of Crops, Adolescents’ Nutrition and Private Sector Engagement through SUN Business Network. GAIN plays a significant role in the public policy landscape in Pakistan, as it does in many other countries around the world.

In Pakistan, malnutrition, particularly among children and women, remains a significant public health challenge. GAIN's work in the country is aimed at helping the government address these issues through evidence-based policies and programs. GAIN's role in the public policy landscape in Pakistan is aligned with the global effort to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security

By understanding that there is no “one-size-fits-all” model, GAIN develops alliances and build tailored programmes, using a variety of flexible models and approaches. GAIN builds alliances between governments, local and global businesses, and civil society to deliver sustainable improvements at scale. GAIN is  part of a global network of partners working together to create sustainable solutions to malnutrition. Through alliances, GAIN provides technical, financial and policy support to key participants in the food system. The specific learnings, evidence of impact, and results of projects and programmes are being used by GAIN to shape and influence the actions of others.

2.     Background

With funding from DANIDA and the technical support of Arla Food Ingredients (AFI), GAIN has supported a Pakistani dairy company to convert whey, a waste product from cheese production, into a value-added, affordable beverage for children, especially from vulnerable families. Following laboratory and industrial trials, the project was replicated with two additional dairy companies. In 2024, GAIN Pakistan received support from DANIDA Green Business Partnerships (DGBP) to scale up its “Whey2Value” Project aimed to “valorise dairy waste streams with three subobjectives: i) reduced environmental strain caused by dairy processors; ii) sustainable and responsible economic growth and new job creation in the dairy value chain; and iii) improved consumption of nutritious whey-based products by vulnerable populations.  Repurposing the whey water to create a nutritious beverage rather than leaving it as a waste present an opportunity to enhance the environmental sustainability, optimize resource use and reduce environmental impacts including the green house gas emissions. To assess this potential, conducting a life cycle assessment of the whey water is essential not only to quantify the environmental benefits and impacts but also to evaluate current whey handling practices, energy consumption and associated costs in implementing various repurposing strategies or the usage of the whey water.  Therefore, GAIN Pakistan intends to hire a consultant/firm/institute to perform this LCA, with a focus on understanding the environmental and financial impacts associated with the current practices of handling whey water by local dairies. The assessment intended to provide insights into the sustainability and potential benefits of utilizing whey water, thereby contributing to more efficient resource management and environmental stewardship.

3.     scope of work and deliverables

3.1 Scope of WORK 

The consultant will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) of whey water, focusing on evaluating the environmental, social and economic implications of three primary management options: disposal (with and without treatment), repurposing, and drying of whey water. In addition, they should conduct a detailed cost-benefit analysis of each option, examining whether there is potential value in avoiding disposal and promoting the repurposing of fresh whey into a marketable product. The specific tasks are suggested as under for the assessment, however based on the expertise of the consultant suggestions are welcome to improve the scope of work/methodology.

3.1.1.   Desk Research and Planning

  • Conduct comprehensive desk research to identify the various stages of Fresh Whey’s life cycle, including extraction, processing, transportation, and disposal.
  • Develop a logical plan for evaluating each stage of Whey's life cycle, focusing on the key processes and potential environmental impacts (e.g., GHG emissions, local soil or water pollution, noxious smells).
  • Identify best practices and benchmark data from similar assessment/projects to inform the assessment.

3.1.2. Data Collection and Analysis

  • Gather primary or secondary data on the current disposal practices of Fresh Whey in local areas, including volumes, costs, and environmental impacts. The consultant should prioritize local sources where possible, but may need to also include assessments from other contexts, particularly for the environmental impacts.
  • Gather primary or secondary data on alternative disposal practices that could be used, including their feasibility and cost.
  • Analyze potential processes and technologies for repurposing Fresh Whey into new, marketable products, including feasibility, cost, and inputs/outputs required.
  • Study the drying process of Fresh Whey, including energy types (e.g. electricity made from fossil fuel or solar or other such sources) and consumption, costs, and feasibility for commercial use.

3.1.3. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

  • Conduct a life cycle assessment for each of the three options (i.e. Disposal, Repurposing, Drying of whey), evaluate inputs, outputs, and environmental impacts such as climate change, particulate matter, terrestrial acidification, freshwater eutrophication, marine eutrophication, water use, land use, and fossil resource use.
  • Adopt a full life cycle perspective, encompassing all stages from primary production to consumption and waste management.
  • Assess the long-term environmental implications of each option, including the potential benefits of reducing waste through repurposing or drying.

3.1.4. Cost-Benefit Analysis

  • Develop a detailed cost-benefit analysis for each option, comparing the financial viability, investment needs, and potential revenue generation.
  • Assess the economic value of converting Fresh Whey into various different new products, including potential market demand, production costs, and profit margins etc.
  • Evaluate the costs and environmental implications of continued disposal practices, as well as alternative disposal practices (if the abovementioned review identifies any that are feasible), highlighting the negative impacts and lost value opportunities.

3.1.5. Comparison and Recommendations

  • Compare the three options based on the LCA results and cost-benefit analysis to determine the most sustainable and economically beneficial approach(es). Describe the comparative advantages of each option.
  • Provide actionable recommendations for the optimal use of Fresh Whey, focusing on maximizing value and minimizing environmental impact.

3.1.6. Reporting and Presentation

  • Prepare a comprehensive report detailing the methodology, findings, and recommendations, including the LCA results and cost-benefit analysis.
  • Provide detailed databases to support the results.
  • Present key findings and recommendations to GAIN/stakeholders.
  • Provide a summary report suitable for sharing with stakeholders to support decision-making.

This scope of work aims to provide GAIN with the necessary insights and data-driven arguments to advocate for sustainable management of Fresh Whey, emphasizing its repurposing into valuable products rather than disposal.

3.2   Deliverables:

  • Inception Report including the desk research findings and planned methodology
  • Data Collection Summary and databases
  • Life Cycle Assessment Report
  • Cost Benefit Analysis Report
  • Draft Comprehensive Report, including Comparison and Recommendations (for GAIN review)
  • Revised report, revised to reflect GAIN feedback
  • Presentation of Findings
  • Summary Report for Stakeholders

4.     Time FRAME

The required services need to be completed within approximately 6 months.

5.     Proposal Outline

The consultant/service provider needs to prepare and submit a technical proposal that is 10 pages or less, with the following headings:

ü  Introduction and organizational capacity of the consultancy firm/consultant, indicting prior experience with LCAs and cost-benefit analysis

ü  Objectives

ü  Methodology

ü  Scope of Work including timeline and milestones

ü  Examples of Previous Relevant Experience

ü  Team Member’s Competencies and Clear Roles and Responsibilities (full CVs can be included in an annex)

ü  References

The financial proposal should indicate the following details:

ü  Budget Items

ü  Unit Cost

ü  Activity Cost

ü  Personnel Cost

ü  Travel and Accommodation Cost

ü  Taxes

ü  Admin Cost

The total proposed budget should include all items like fees, travel, meetings/workshops/FGDs, Taxes etc.

The financial proposal should be submitted in PKR. 

6.     Evaluation CRITERIA :

ü  Demonstrated expertise and experience in the relevant areas.

ü  Clarity of the assignment and technical soundness of the proposal

ü  Qualifications, and experience of the proposed team members with clear roles and responsibilities.

ü  Alignment with project objectives and deliverables.

ü  Cost-effectiveness of the proposed budget.

ü  Timeline

Apply By:

7.     Submission Guidelines:

The Proposals for “Life Cycle Assessment of Whey Water being produced by Dairies during the Cheese Manufacturing Process” should be submitted in electronic format no later than 25th December, 2024, to [email protected]. Late submissions will not be considered.

Disclaimer: GAIN reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received, to request additional information form any proposer, and to negotiate with any qualified proposer.
